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Pixley ka Isaka Seme

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Pixley ka Isaka Seme (c. 1881 - June 1951) bekangummeli wase Ningizimu Afrika aphindze abe ngumsunguli kanye neMengameli we African National Congress.[1]

Imphilo yakhe yasebuntfwaneni

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Seme bekayindvodzana yesine yaSinono Kuwana Seme eThekwini, endzaweni lebeyibitwa ngekutsi yiKoloni yaseNatal, esiteshini semishini saseNanda se-American Zulu Mission ye-American Board of Commissioners for Foreign Missions. Waphotfula e-Mount Hermon School, MA, ngemnyaka wa-1902 (nyalo lese Northfield Mount Hermon School). Wafundza e-Adams College lebeyiyincenye yemsebenti.


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  • Bryant, A. T. ([1929] 1965). Olden Times in Zululand and Natal. Cape Town: C. Struik
  • Smith, Edwin W. (1952). The Life and Times of Daniel Lindley, Missionary to the Zulus, Pastor of the Voortrekkers, Ubebe Omhlope. New York: Library Publishers. The man who founded the ANC.
  1. The birthdate is Seme's personal estimate at the time of his application to Mount Hermon.